

As the sun set on this year’s hunting season, I can’t help but share the remarkable journey our clients embarked on. From patient beginnings that started with a late roar, to unexpected challenges and shared triumphs.

Quiet Beginnings, Promising Prospects

Our season started quietly, with slow movements in the woods. The anticipation among our clients was palpable, hinting at the promise of thrilling encounters just waiting to unfold.

The slow start set the stage for the unfolding adventures, creating an atmosphere of anticipation that would define the journey.

Majestic Giants and Shared Victories

As the days passed, the forest echoed with triumphant roars as our clients pursued giant red stags. Guiding them through these majestic encounters was a joy, as each trophy became a shared victory—a connection forged between hunter and guide.

Diverse Adventures in Nature’s Playground

Our journey took us through diverse landscapes, introducing clients to the challenges and rewards of pursuing water buffalo, fallow deer, wild boar, and axis deer. Each species added a new layer to our collective story—a mosaic of experiences that became the heartbeat of our hunting season.

The variety of game turned our season into an adventure filled with unique and cherished moments, creating memories that would last a lifetime.

Overcoming Unexpected Hurdles

Amidst the triumphs, we faced unexpected challenges with our bird hunts due to a scarcity of ammunition, forcing us to rebook clients for next season. For that reason Book in advance and save your spot!

The challenges became part of our story, showcasing the resilience and resourcefulness of our team as we  triumphed over unexpected obstacles.

Shared Memories of a Season Well Hunted

As the season came to a close, trophies in hand and shared stories in the air, I marveled at the richness of our collective journey. The quiet start, the successful encounters, the diverse array of game, and the unforeseen obstacles—all woven into a tapestry of shared memories.

This season, viewed through my lens as an operator, became a testament to the unpredictable beauty of nature and the enduring passion that binds us as a community of hunters. In the echoes of the wild, a celebration for both guide and hunter in the heart of the wilderness.

Juan Cruz Anon